Demidowski / Zugaj
December 6 at At 6 p.m., the Pomost Gallery in Lublin will host the second edition of the exhibition by Lucjan Demidowski and Piotr Zugaj “Technology hates ambition”, which debuted at the turn of 2022/2023. As curator Paweł Bąkowski writes, “The works of two artists presented at the exhibition reflect on each other, at times the question of their authorship gets lost and distracted, what counts is the image. This approach to the Demidowski / Zugaj relationship introduces a split in the student-master relationship, which becomes a space of mutual inspiration.”
Lucjan Demidowski (1946) is one of the leading representatives of the conceptual trend in Polish photography. Since 1971, a member of the Association of Polish Art Photographers. Associated with the Lublin artistic community, he lives in Motycz Leśny.
Piotr Zugaj (1991) artist and art historian working in Lublin. A graduate of the Faculty of Photography at the University of Arts. Magdalena Abakanowicz in Poznań and Art History at the Catholic University of Lublin in Lublin. His artistic interests revolve around image theory and experimentation within the medium of photography. He treats the image as a trace of something important that is beyond itself.
ul. J. Kiepury 5a
20-838 Lublin