How to breathe
Breathing is the simplest and most accessible tool that we always have at hand, and which we so rarely use for self-regulation, even during everyday struggles or driving a car on crowded city streets.
On the occasion of Katerina Moschou’s “How to drive” exhibition, we invited Anna Krukowska Źródło to conduct a series of How to breath rebirthing sessions. The meetings will be an opportunity to communicate with your body on a deep level. A breathing session is a journey deep into Yourself that bypasses the conditioning of the mind and gives voice to the body. Through combined breathing, practiced during the session, we deliver an increased amount of oxygen to the blood, which then goes to individual cells of our body. Along the way, you can discover your blockages, tensions, but also power, inner peace, and, above all, contact yourself on a deep level.
We are starting registration for three sessions, which will take place on August 3, 10 and 17 in the Gallery space. The series of free meetings will be led by Anna Krukowska (FB: zrodlo.breath / IG: zrodlo_breath), a certified breathing trainer and culture producer and animator at 66P Subjective Cultural Institution. She graduated in art history and a two-year Pranavisions breathing trainer school. Her activities are focused on creating relationships and expanding well-being. She is inspired by life and art. It shows how to use the potential of breathing as a source of change, contact with the body and emotions, and deep relaxation. She conducts individual and group sessions using the connected breathing method (rebirthing).
Theoretical part:
1. The session will begin with a short conversation – an interview in which the participants get to know each other and talk about their motivations for starting the session and their current well-being.
2. Later, Ania will explain and show what the session involves in practice and answer questions.
Practical part:
3. Box breathing – a few minutes of breathing practice, a small reset for the nervous system
4. Mindfulness practice. Participants will practice mindfulness, paying attention to their senses and breathing. Exercise in pairs.
5. The respiratory process.
6. Closing the session, relaxation, integration of experienced emotions.
7. A short conversation about what happened during the session.
Date: August 3, 10 or 17
Time: 10am-2pm
Place: FOTO-GEN Gallery, Nankiera Square 8
Session duration: 3.5-4 hours
Number of people: from 5 to 8 people